Gemini is ruled by Mercury which is all about communication, intellect and awareness Mercury is also involved in logic and reasoning, our manner of thinking, and how we create and express our thoughts. Gemini folks make exciting and playful friends and partners whom you can always count on to have fun with. They are drawn to situations where they can perform - whether that is just telling a great yarn at the pub or giving a sales pitch, they are born to communicate and charm. As an air sign with the Mercurial influence they can get carried away on a whim and may lack the ability to pay attention and focus. That said, they are masters at pulling together strange ideas, are perceptive and warm and are for sure the charmers of the zodiac.

After the solidity and pragmatic vibes of Taurus which tends towards a slow and steady approach to life, Gemini is a breathe of very fresh and spontaneous air . This provides a great energy for brainstorming, for generating ideas, being imaginative, making connections and deals. On the flip side they can be prone to changing their minds and flitting from one project to the next without having the focus to work towards completion . This can mean that Gemini folk often bite off more than they can chew and are thus prone to feeling stressed and harassed by all the things they have committed to whilst on the high of “brainstorming and idea generation” . As Mercury rules the nervous system, all of that worry and stress can manifest as anxiety, headaches, neuralgia and feeling a overwhelmed . Once they become scattered, they tend to slow down , get bored, and lose direction. Likewise, their dual-nature makes mood swings a daily occirenence, especially when under pressure. The ultimate exercise for the Gemini is something that gets the blood pumping and strengthens the lungs which are influenced by Mercury. I’m talking bootcamp, running club, tennis, any exercise that is fun, changeable and you can chat while doing it.



The tonic herbs I tend to think of when thinking of the Gemini energy are those with a dual action - those that calm but also energize and create resilience such as Cordyceps (Ophiocordyceps militaris) which energizes and fortifies against stress and protect and heals the lungs which can become weak and dry when out of balance. I also really like Lions Mane (Hericium erinaceus) as well for the twins as it nourishes the Mercury ruled nervous system, helping to repair a nervous system which has been on overdrive. Similarly Mercurial herbs which influence the nervous system in tandem with having the dual action of immunomodulators like Holy Basil and Reishi that upregulate when needed and downregulate when needed - a truly Geminian action.



Peppermint (Metha piperita ) is very aligned with the Gemini energy. It is fragrant and fresh and has a dual, twin like personality - it is at once stimulating to the mind and spirit while at the same time calming a nervous and excited gut. When used topically, it soothes tension headaches and the tight tension filled shoulders that Gemini folks seem to suffer from. In a similar vein, as a calming nerve tonic is the sweet yet spicy herb lavender (‎Lavendula officinalis) . It definitely has a very pronounced action for calming anxious thoughts, relieving headaches and inviting sleep. A roller blend of these two essential oils can be the perfect handbag medicine for the easily stimulated Gemini. Or maybe try these two together as a tea rather than coffee which wrings out the nervous system and exacerbates the dryness that can come with excessive air element.

Gemini rules the lungs and thus the breath, which is responsible for energizing our entire being. This makes Gemini folks more susceptibe to bronchitis, asthma, shallow breathing and hyperventilation. As an air sign, breathwork can be very valuable for them as can herbs which fortify the lungs against inflammation, infection and dryness such as mullein, cordyceps, elecampane, astragalus and sage. Sage (Salvia officinalis) in particular is warming and resilience building to the body and helps clear congestion in the lungs. Sage helps Gemini to breathe deeply and move energy through the body - aiding hypoxic and tense tissues. Stopping for long enough to take a breathe is something that Geminis need a little help with and that is where the nervine herbs come in.



Because Gemini's sentence is "I think", any healing should include the regeneration of the brain and central nervous system. Establishing a solid, nourished nervous system is important for the Mercurial fast moving Gemini. It is like the anchor that keeps them centred to prevent their nervous energy from spinning them out of control. Thus remedy herbs for the Gemini are those that calm, nourish and restore the nervous system. Herbs like oats, passionflower, lemon balm, damiana, lions mane and one of my personal favourites - Valerian (Valerian officinalis). Valerian is a very old and magickal herb and as a sedative, it has a very special regenerating action for Gemini as it allows them to deeply rest and restore their nervous system to be able to keep up with their high energy requirements. As they are prone to getting jittery, it may be best to reduce or exclude coffee from the diet and instead reach for nourishing nervous system and cerebral tonics like the pepperminty Shroom Potion!

Gemini also rules the shoulders, arms and hands so tension can arise in the shoulders, arms and hands and with the nervous system component can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. As a hand talker myself, arms and hands are extensions of our self-expression, so when a Gemini is unable to speak their truth or is in a situation where their communication is stifled, it may lead to physiological tension and stiffness. The relaxing nervine herbs are helpful here as well as mind / body practices such as yoga and meditation,

So there you go. Next up is Cancer Season!


Practices and herbs for Perimenopause
